The company MTech.AG-Parts LLC was established on 05/07/2018. The authorized capital of the company is 500,000 (five hundred thousand) rubles.
The main activity of the enterprise is the wholesale of automotive spare parts.
LLC MTech.AG-Parts is a current exporter and importer of automotive spare parts outside the Russian Federation. In these areas, the company actively interacts with partners from the EU and the Asian region.
The first export shipment was carried out by the enterprise in June 2018 and since then, sales volumes for export sales have been actively growing. We are the biggest exporter in Russia. In our offer you can see price list for BMW, Mercedes-Benz, PSA etc.
In the direction of import of automotive spare parts, MTech.AG-Parts LLC entered into agreements with manufacturers for the exclusive supply to the Russian Federation of spare parts for air suspension of Dunlop (United Kingdom) and Vigor (China) brands of automobiles.
The LLC MTech.AG-Parts company is a reliable partner in the automotive spare parts market.